
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a relatively simple procedure in which a catheter is inserted through the cervix to inject the prepared ejaculate (sperm) into the patient's uterus. IUI is performed in our ordination and is a painless procedure that does not require any anesthesia and lasts approximately five minutes. The most common side effect is mild uterine cramps on the day of the procedure.

What is intrauterine insemination (IUI)?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a relatively simple procedure in which a catheter is inserted through the cervix to inject the prepared ejaculate (sperm) into the patient's uterus. IUI is performed in our ordination and is a painless procedure that does not require any anesthesia and lasts approximately five minutes. The most common side effect is mild uterine cramps on the day of the procedure.

Inseminacija (IUI)
Inseminacija (IUI)

Success rates

It is the simplest and least invasive procedure of medically assisted fertilization, which can help with conception in simpler cases of infertility. The success rate of insemination at the New Life Polyclinic is 15%.

Step 1 - First visit

At the first visit, our doctor will perform a gynecological examination of the woman, and the partner will do a spermiogram. If these two findings are satisfactory, your doctor will instruct you to prepare for the insemination procedure.

Step 2 - Ovarian stimulation

Ovarian stimulation begins on the 2nd or 3rd day of a woman's menstrual cycle and lasts a total of 10-12 days. During this period, you come for an ultrasound examination 2-3 times so that the doctor can examine the growth of the follicle and check the level of certain hormones. When the follicle reaches a certain size, you are given an injection of the hormone hCG, which induces ovulation, and you are scheduled to “Inesemination” within 36 hours at our clinic.

Step 3 - Preparation of sperm

On the day of insemination, the partner gives a sperm sample, which is processed in the embryology laboratory. The sperm preparation procedure allows our embryologist to choose the sperm that are best so that the insemination process itself has the greatest chance of success.

Step 4 - Insemination procedure

Postupak inseminacije je bezbolan, neinvazivan i ne zahtijeva anesteziju. Izvodi se na način da doktor postavi spekulum, te uzorak sperme kateterom unosi direktno u maternicu žene.

Nakon toga odlazite kući i ljekar Vam savjetuje da svoje svakodnevne obaveze nastavljate. Jedino se ne preporučuju visoko-intenzivni fizički poslovi.

Step 5 - Pregnancy test

A pregnancy test is performed 12 days after IUI. If conception has occurred, approximately two weeks after the pregnancy test, the ultrasound can confirm the pregnancy, and sometimes you can even hear the baby's heartbeat.

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Working hours

Monday - Friday 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 12:00
Sunday non-working


Bulevar Meše Selimovića 17a, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Hercegovina